we have seen a third swan spinning the thread of thought that is fastened from country to country round the world, so that the word may fly with lightning speed from land to land.
And our Lord loves the old swan’s nest between the baltic and the North Sea.
And when the mighty birds e soaring through the air to destroy it, even the callow young stand round in a circle on the margin of the nest, and though their breasts may be struck so that their blood flows, they bear it, and strike with their wings and their claws.
幾個世紀將會過去,天鵝會從巢中飛出,人們會在世間看到它們、聽到它們的聲音,在人們能從內心深處、真心實意地說出 “這是最後一隻天鵝 —— 來自天鵝巢的最後一首歌” 之前,還需要經歷漫長的時間。
centuries will pass by, swans will fly forth from the nest, men will see them and hear them in the world, before it shall be said in spirit and in truth, “this is the last swan — the last song from the swan’s nest.”