he marble basin in which the clear water was splashing; and a form glided past, the daughter of the princely house, graceful, delicate, and wonderfully fair.
這樣一位女性的可愛形象他以前從未見過 —— 且慢:他見過的,拉斐爾畫過的,在羅馬的一座宮殿裡畫的普緒克。
Such a form of female loveliness he had never before beheld — yet stay: he had seen it, painted by Raphael, painted as a psyche, in one of the Roman palaces.
Yes, there it had been painted; but here it passed by him in living reality.
the remembrance lived in his thoughts, in his heart.
he went home to his humble room, and modelled a psyche of clay.
It was the rich young Roman girl, the noble maiden; and for the first time he looked at his work with satisfaction.
It had a meaning for him, for it was she.
And the friends who saw his work shouted aloud for joy; they declared that this work was a manifestation of his artistic power, of which they had long been aware, and that now the world should be made aware of it too.
the clay figure was lifelike and beautiful, but it had not the whiteness or the durability of marble.
So they declared that the psyche must henceforth live in marble.