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4。 理解文章概要類問題

理解文章概要類問題屬於託福閱讀考試中的新題型,包含總結題(Prose Summary)和圖表題(Fill in a Table),這兩道題的難度比較大,考查考生理解一篇文章的寫作意圖以及整理文章框架、理清文章層次的能力。


Urban Climates

The city is an extraordinary processor of mass and energy and has its own metabolism。 A daily input of water; food; and energy of various kinds is matched by an output of sewage; solid waste; air pollutants; energy; and materials that have been transformed in some way。 The quantities involved are enormous。 Many aspects of this energy use affect the atmosphere of a city; particularly in the production of heat。

In winter the heat produced by a city can equal or surpass the amount of heat available from the Sun。 All the heat that warms a building eventually transfers to the surrounding air; a process that is quickest where houses are poorly insulated。 But an automobile produces enough heat to warm an average house in winter; and if a house were perfectly insulated; one adult could also produce more than enough heat to warm it。 Therefore; even without any industrial production of heat; an urban area tends to be warmer than the countryside that surrounds it。

The burning of fuel; such