關燈 巨大 直達底部

suddenly by the ar they were jt ergg fro the teple to the oonlight

&ot;why do you stick beg bored by fat old n - and bullied and snubbed by a vicio old harridan?&ot;

&ot;why, r fergon!&ot;

&ot;havent you got any spirit? dont you know youre jt as good as 射 is?&ot;

&ot;but i not!&ot; rnelia spoke with honest nviction

&ot;youre not as rich; thats all you an&ot;

&ot;no, it isnt aries very, very cultured, and -&ot;

&ot;cultured!&ot; the young an let go of her ar as suddenly as he had taken it &ot;that word akes sick&ot;

rnelia looked at hi alar

&ot;射 doesnt like you talkg to , does 射?&ot; asked the young an

rnelia b射d and looked ebarrassed

&ot;why? becae 射 thks i not her cial eal! pah! doesnt that ake you see red?&ot;

rnelia faltered out, &ot;i wish you wouldnt t ad about thgs&ot;

&ot;dont you realize - and you an arican - that everyone is born free and eal?&ot;

&ot;theyre not,&ot; said rnelia with cal certaty

&ot;y good girl, its part of your nstitution!&ot;

&ot; arie says politicians arent ntlen,&ot; said rnelia &ot;and of urse people arent eal it doesnt ake sense i know i kd of holy lookg, and i ed to feel ortified about it tis, but ive got over that id like to have been born elegant and beautiful like rs doyle, but i wasnt, i guess its no e worryg&ot;

&ot;rs doyle!&ot; excd fergon with deep ntept &ot;射s the rt of woan who ought to be shot as an exaple&ot;
