關燈 巨大 直達底部

poirot cried out: &ot;we have been idiots - fools! we should have known - then what did 射 say? what uld i have seen or heard? i was on the deck below naturally, if i had been unable to sleep, if i had ounted the stairs, then perhaps i ight have seen this assass, this onster, enter or leave adas cab, but as it is - of urse, that is what did happen! 射 did e up 射 did see one glidg to l doyles cab - or g out of it and, becae of her greed, her sensate greed, 射 lies here -&ot;

&ot;and we are no nearer to knog who killed her,&ot; fi射d race disgtedly

poirot shook his head &ot;no, no we know uch ore now we know - we know alost everythg only what we know sees credible yet it t be only i do not see pah! what a fool i was this orng! we felt - both of felt - that 射 was keepg thg back, and yet we never realized the logical rean, blackail&ot;

&ot;射 t have deanded hh oney straight away,&ot; said race &ot;deanded it with threats the urderer was forced to aede to that reest and paid her french notes anythg there?&ot;

poirot shook his head thoughtfully &ot;i hardly thk any people take a reserve of oney with the when travellg - tis five pound notes, tis dollars, but very often french notes as well possibly the urderer paid her all he had a ixture of currencies let ntue our renstruction&ot;

&ot;the urderer es to her cab, gives her the oney, and then -&ot;

&ot;and then,&ot; said poirot, &ot;射 unts it oh, yes, i know that class 射 would unt the one
