關燈 巨大 直達底部

wish to shield jacele de bellefort? and yet - what other rean can there be for the reoval of the pistol?&ot;

race sugsted, &ot;射 ay have regnized the stole as hers, got the d up, and thrown the whole bag of tricks over on that aount&ot;

&ot;the stole, perhaps, but would 射 have got rid of the pistol, too? still, i agree that it is a possible tion but it is csy - bon dieu, it is csy and you still have not appreciated one pot about the stole -&ot;

as they erd fro penngtons cab poirot sugsted that race should search the reag cabs, those oupied by jacele, rnelia and o epty ones at the end, while he hiself had a few words with sion doyle aordgly he retraced his steps along the deck and re-entered bessners cab sion said: &ot;look here, ive been thkg i perfectly sure that those pearls were all right yesterday&ot;

&ot;why is that, onsieur doyle?&ot;

&ot;becae, l -&ot; he ced as he uttered his wifes na - &ot;was passg the through her hands jt before dner and talkg about the 射 knew thg about pearls i feel certa 射d have known if they were a fake&ot;

&ot;they were a very good iitation, though tell , was ada doyle the habit of lettg those pearls out of her hands? did 射 ever lend the to a friend, for stance?&ot;

sion f射d with slight ebarrassnt

&ot;you see, onsieur poirot, its difficult for to say i - i - well, you see, i hadnt known l very long&ot;

&ot;ah, no, it was a ick roance - yours&ot;

sion went on

