r false; provided only they are defininte; until my head is sufficiently equipped with them to be able to select and pare them。’
I know that this method is not without it inconveniences; but it has answered my purpose of self instruction。
After I had spent some years in thinking exactly as others thought; without; so to speak; reflecting; and almost without reasoning; I found myself in possession of a fund of learning suffcient to satisfy myself; and to enable me to think without the reasoning of another。
Then; when tr*elling and business matters deprived me of the opportunity of consulting books; I amused myself by going over and paring what I h*e read; by weighing everything in the scale of reason; and; somtinmes; by passing judgement upon my masters。
I did not find that my critical faculties had lost their vigour owing to my h*ing begun to exercise them late; and; when I published my own ideas; I h*e never been accused of being a servile disciple; or of swearing in verba magistri。
注:verba magistri是拉丁文,意思是“權威的話;教師的話”。