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; man …it is true!”

“Leave me alone; Garrett。”

“You get hooked up with the two finest chicks on campus; then bail on them for Juli?”

“You don't understand。”

“You're right; dude。 I pletely don't understand。 Did you seriously try to kiss her? I couldn't

believe that part。 We're talking Julianna Baker? Your

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nightmare neighbor? The know…it…all nuisance? The coop poop babe?”

I stopped cold and shoved him。 Just laid into him with both hands and shoved。 “That was a

long time ago; man。 Knock it off!”

Garrett put both hands up; but moved in at me。 “Dude; you have flipped; you know that?”

“Just back off; would you?”

He blocked my path。 “I can't believe this! Two hours ago you were the man。 The man! The

whole school was on their knees before you! Now look

at you。 You're; like; a social hazard。” He snorted and said; “And; dude; the truth is; if you're

gonna be like this; I don't need the association。”

I got right in his face and said; “Good! 'Cause you know what? Neither do I!”

I shoved him aside and ran。

I wound up walking home。 In my pinchy shoes; with dirty dishes clanking inside my sticky

picnic hamper; this basket boy hiked all the way home。

And there was a battle raging inside me。 The old Bryce wanted to go back in time; wanted to

hang with Garrett and shoot the breeze; wanted to

hate Juli Baker again。
