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y anything; he just stood there; listening。 Then when

Mrs。 Loski announced that dinner was ready; Bryce

held my arm and whispered; “Juli; I'm sorry。 I've never been so sorry about anything in my

whole life。 You're right; I was a jerk; and I'm sorry。”

I yanked my arm free from his grasp and said; “It seems to me you've been sorry about a

whole lot of things lately!” and left him there with his

apology hanging wounded in the air。

It didn't take me long to realize that I'd made a mistake。 I should have let him say he was

sorry and then simply continued to ignore him。 But I'd

snapped at him in the middle of an apology; which somehow made me the rude one。

I sneaked a peek at him across the table; but he was watching his dad; who was asking my

brothers about graduating and their plans for college。

I had; of course; seen Mr。 Loski many times; but usually from a distance。 Still; it seemed

impossible that I'd never noticed his eyes before。 They

were blue。 Brilliant blue。 And although Mr。 Loski's were set farther back and were hidden

somewhat by his eyebrows and cheekbones; there was

no mistaking where Bryce had gotten his eyes。 His hair was black; too; like Bryce's; and his

teeth were white and straight。

Even though Chet had called Bryce the spitting image of his father; I'd never really thought of

them as looking alike。 But now I saw that they did