關燈 巨大 直達底部

Cheerios back to my room to have breakfast in bed and


But that Sunday—after spending most of the night feeling upset or uneasy—I woke up

wanting to do something physical。 To shake off the

confused way I was still feeling。

What I really needed was a good climb in my sycamore tree; but I settled for watering the

lawn while I tried to think of other things。 I cranked open

the spigot and admired how rich and black the dirt looked as I sprinkled back and forth

across the soil。 And I was busy talking to my buried

seedlings; coaxing them to spring up and greet the rising sun; when my father came outside。

His hair was damp from a shower; and he had a

grocery sack rolled closed in his hand。 “Dad! I'm sorry if I woke you。”

“You didn't; sweetheart。 I've been up for a while。”

“You're not going to work; are you?”

“No; I …” He studied me for a moment; then said; “I'm going to visit David。”

“Uncle David?”

He walked toward his truck; saying; “That's right。 I …I s