I had to get past Bryce and Shelly。 They deserved
each other—let them have each other!
But in my heart I knew that just like the new grass; I wasn't strong enough yet to be walked
on。 And until I was; there was only one solution: I had to
stay away from him。 I needed to rope him out of my life。
So I closed my ears to the news of basket boys and steered clear of Bryce at school。 And
when I did happen to run into him; I simply said hello
like he was someone I barely even knew。
It was working; too! I was growing stronger by the day。 Who cared about auctions and basket
boys? I didn't!
Friday morning I got up early; collected what few eggs there were in the coop; watered the
front yard; which was by now definitely green; ate
breakfast; and got ready for school。
But as I was running a brush through my hair; I couldn't help thinking about Shelly Stalls。 It
was auction day。 She'd probably been up since five;
making her hair into some impossibly pouffy do。
So what? I told myself。 So what? But as I was throwing on my windbreaker; I eyed my money
tin and hesitated。 What if …
No! No…no…no!
I ran to the garage; got my bike; and pushed out of the driveway。 And I was in the street and
on my way when Mrs。 Stueby flew right in my path。
“Julianna;” she called; waving her hand through the air。 “Here; dear。 Take this。 I'm so sorry
it's take