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all we can here。 We need not trouble you any further; Mr。

Lestrade。 I think our investigations must now carry us to


At London Bridge; Holmes wrote a telegram to his brother; which

he handed to me before dispatching it。 It ran thus:

See some light in the darkness; but it may possibly flicker out。

Meanwhile; please send by messenger; to await return at Baker

Street; a plete list of all foreign spies or international

agents known to be in England; with full address。


〃That should be helpful; Watson;〃 he remarked as we took our

seats in the Woolwich train。 〃We certainly owe Brother Mycroft a

debt for having introduced us to what promises to be a really

very remarkable case。〃

His eager face still wore that expression of intense and high…

strung energy; which showed me that some novel and suggestive

circumstance had opened up a stimulating line of thought。 See

the foxhound with hanging ears and drooping tail as it lolls

about the kennels; and pare it with the same hound as; with

gleaming eyes and straining muscles; it runs upon a breast…high

scent……such was the change in Holmes since the morning。 He was a

different man from the limp and lounging figure in the mouse…

coloured dressing…gown who had prowled so restlessly only a few

hours before round the fog…girt room。

〃There is material he