關燈 巨大 直達底部

about his middle and laid her cheek against his back。

It was heaven; pure and simple。 She didn't have a care in the world。

Ross was at the helm; petent and strong。 Over the wind that sailed by

came the steady beat of his heart; steadying her in turn。 She didn't

know what it was about this particular man that affected her so deeply;

nor did she care just then。 It was enough to enjoy the respite from

responsibility and to give herself up to his care; if only for the brief

ride home。

The brief ride home; however; grew longer and longer。 Peering around

Ross's shoulder; Chloe saw that they were on a different road entirely。

〃Do you know where we are?〃 she called。

〃Roughly。 Where's your market?〃

He followed her pointing finger; turning this way; then that; until the

town mon came into view。 Typically New England; it had a

white steepled church at its hub and a variety of rural shops and

boutiques。 Chloe found everything she needed at the grocery store;

reluctantly took Ross's suggestion that the plants be saved for another

trip; then climbed behind him onto the bike to return to the house。 Not

one wrong turn later she was on her own front steps。

The moment of reckoning was at hand。 〃Will you be returning to New York

now?〃 she asked。

He had finished stowing the bike in its proper spot and advanced on her

with a grin。 Relieving