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插pter 24

r penngton was shocked

&ot;why, ntlen,&ot; he said, &ot;this is a very serio atter very serio deed&ot;

&ot;extrely serio for you, r penngton&ot;

&ot;for ?&ot; penngtons eyebrows rose startled surprise &ot;but, y dear sir, i was sittg ietly writg here when that shot was fired&ot;

&ot;you have, perhaps, a witness to prove that?&ot;

penngton shook his head

&ot;why, no - i wouldnt say that but its clearly ipossible that i should have gone to the deck above, shot this poor woan (and why should i shoot her anyway?) and e down aga with no one seeg there are always plenty of people on the deck loun this ti of day&ot;

&ot;how do you aount for your pistol beg ed?&ot;

&ot;well - i afraid i ay be to bla there ite on after ttg aboard there was a nversation the saloon one eveng, i reber, about firears, and i ntioned then that i always carried a revolver with when i travel&ot;

&ot;who was there?&ot;

&ot;well, i cant reber exactly ost people, i thk ite a crowd, anyway&ot; he shook his head ntly

&ot;why, yes,&ot; he said &ot;i a certaly to bla there&ot;

he went on: &ot;first l, then ls aid, and now rs otterbourne there sees no rean it all!&ot;

&ot;there was rean,&ot; said race

&ot;there was?&ot;

&ot;yes rs otterbourne was on the pot of tellg that 射 had seen a certa pern go to louises cab before 射 uld na that pern 射 was shot dead&ot;

andrew penngton passed
