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e broad stone steps。

〃Chloe! There you are。 I was beginning to worry。〃 A man stepped from

beneath the deep brick overhang and fell into easy step beside her as

they passed through a large oak door into the high school and headed

down a long corridor。

〃I'm sorry; Howard;〃 she said; meaning it。 Howard Wolschinski was the

state senator who had first sought her services。 After three meetings;

she had e to like him。 〃I'd hoped to be on the road by four; but; I

swear; there was a conspiracy against me。 First the phone; then my car。〃

〃Anything major with either?〃 he asked。

〃No on both counts。 But I didn't clear Little pton until five; and by

that time the rush…hour traffic was horrid。 I drove as fast as I could。

I hope I haven't messed things up。〃

〃You haven't。 The meeting was called for seven thirty。 You're only five

minutes late。 It's given the crowd a chance to settle down。〃 He guided

her around a corner with a light hand at her elbow and began the climb

as soon as they reached a staircase。

At the first landing; Chloe asked; 〃How's the turnout?〃

He grinned sheepishly。 〃I only wish we did half as well at political

rallies。 This is a wele change from apathy。 The auditorium is packed。

There must be several hundred people in there。〃

Chloe was surprised and decidedly pleased。 〃Several hundred? Not bad for

a county meeting in New Hamp