關燈 巨大 直達底部

shire。〃 She smiled; lowering her voice

dramatically。 〃But which side are they on? Are they for us or agin' us?〃

Her humor drifted unanswered into the stale schoolhouse air as Howard

ushered her into the meeting hall; led her onto the stage; and ges tured

her into a seat。 He took one by her side。 As though on cue; the crowd

silenced and the moderator began。

〃Ladies and gentlemen;〃 he said in a voice made flat by its broad New

England slant; 〃on behalf of my friends and; uh〃…he cast an enpassing

glance backward; then turned a cough into a snicker; bringing chuckit's

from the audience@'adversaries here on the stage with me; I would like

to thank you for ing tonight。 It's a rare pleasure to see so many of

you gathered at once。 We realized that the issue of the Rye Beach Resort

and Condominium plex would stir a few of you to action; but we had no

idea how many。 I don't believe we've had a response like this since that

talk of a state prison here a while back。〃

Chloe was wondering who the man was when Howard whispered; 〃He's Felix

Hart…town manager; missioner of public safety; President of the

United States in his dreams。〃

She smiled at the quip。 Nodding her thanks for the information; she

refocused on the speaker。

and they listened to us then; just as they listened to us when they

mentioned a hazardous waste disposal center six miles fr