關燈 巨大 直達底部

&ot;that is y opion,&ot; said fanthorp

&ot;he was defitely afraid 射 ight attack ada doyle?&ot;

&ot;no&ot; fanthorp shook his head &ot;i dont thk that was his idea at all i thk he was afraid 射 ight - er - do thg rash to herself&ot;


&ot;yes you see, 射 seed pletely bered and heartbroken at what 射 had done 射 was full of self-reproach 射 kept sayg 射 would be better dead&ot;

rnelia said tiidly: &ot;i thk he was rather upset about her he spoke - ite nicely he said it was all his fault - that hed treated her badly he - he was really very nice&ot;

hercule poirot nodded thoughtfully

&ot;now about the pistol,&ot; he went on &ot;what happened to that?&ot;

&ot;射 dropped it,&ot; said rnelia

&ot;and afterward?&ot;

fanthorp expned how he had gone back to search for it, but had not been able to fd it

&ot;aha!&ot; said poirot &ot;now we beg to arrive let , i pray you, be very precise describe to exactly what happened&ot;

&ot;iss de bellefort let it fall then 射 kicked it away fro her with her foot&ot;

&ot;射 rt of hated it,&ot; expned rnelia &ot;i know jt what 射 felt&ot;

&ot;and it went under a settee, you say now be very careful adeoiselle de bellefort did not rever that pistol before 射 left the saloon?&ot;

both fanthorp and rnelia were positive on that pot

&ot;précisént i seek only to be very exact, you prehend then we arrive at this pot when adeois
