關燈 巨大 直達底部

elle de bellefort leaves the saloon the pistol is under the settee, and, sce adeoiselle de bellefort is not left alone - onsieur fanthorp, adeoiselle robn or adeoiselle bowers beg with her - 射 has no opportunity to t back the pistol after 射 left the saloon what ti was it, onsieur fanthorp, when you went back to look for it?&ot;

&ot;it t have been jt before half past elve&ot;

&ot;and how long would have elapsed beeen the ti you and dr bessner carried onsieur doyle out of the saloon until you returned to look for the pistol?&ot;

&ot;perhaps five utes - perhaps a little ore&ot;

&ot;then that five utes one reoves that pistol fro where it lay out of sight under the settee that one was not adeoiselle de bellefort who was it? it sees highly probable that the pern who reoved it was the urderer of ada doyle we ay assu, too, that that pern had overheard or seen thg of the events idiately precedg&ot;

&ot;i dont see how you ake that out,&ot; objected fanthorp

&ot;becae,&ot; said hercule poirot, &ot;you have jt told that the pistol was out of sight under the settee therefore it is hardly credible that it was disvered by aident it was taken by one who knew it was there therefore that one t have assisted at the scene&ot;

fanthorp shook his head &ot;i saw no one when i went out on the deck jt before the shot was fired&ot;

&ot;ah, but you went out by the door on the starboard side&ot;

&ot;yes the sa side as y cab&ot;

