he wise ordinances and virtuous examples of their Sovereigns thro a long series of ages; and above all; Our ardent wish had been to bee acquainted with those celebrated instituti翠¤ of Your Majesty’s populous and extensive Empire which have carried its prosperity to such a height as to be the admiration of all surrounding Nati翠¤ –
And now that We have by prudence and Justice avoided the calamities of War into which discord and ambition have plunged most of the other Kingdoms of Europe; and that by engaging Our Allies in Hindostan to put an end to hostilities occasioned by the attack of an ambious Neighbour; even when it was in Our power to destroy him; We have the happiness of being at peace with all the World; no time can be so propitious for extending the bounds of friendship and benebolence; and for proposing to municate and receive those benefits which must result from an unreserved and amicable intercourse; between such great and civilzed Nati翠¤ as China and Great Britain。
Many of Our subjects have also frequented for a long time past a remote part of Your Majesty’s domini翠¤ for the purpose of Trade。 No doubt; the interchange of modities between Nati翠¤ distantly situated tends to their mutual convenience; industry and wealth; as the blessings which the Great God of Heaven has conferred upon various soi