關燈 巨大 直達底部
第20章 影子 The Shadow,

ic very delightful; but perhaps he fancied it; for everything in these warm countries pleased him, excepting the heat of the sun.

外國房東說他不知道是誰租了對面的房子 —— 在那裡看不到任何人;至於那音樂,他覺得那似乎非常乏味,對他來說極其乏味。

the foreign landlord said he did not know who had taken the opposite house — nobody was to be seen there; and as to the music, he thought it seemed very tedious, to him most unmonly so.


“It is just as if some one was practising a piece that he could not manage; it is always the same piece.


he thinks, I suppose, that he will be able to manage it at last; but I do not think so, however long he may play it.”


once the foreigner woke in the night.


he slept with the door open which led to the balcony; the wind had raised the curtain before it, and there appeared a wonderful brightness over all in the balcony of the opposite house.


the flowers seemed like flames of the most gorgeous colors, and among the flowers stood a beautiful slender maiden.


It was to him as if light streamed from her, and dazzled his eyes; but then he had only just opened them, as he awoke from his sleep.


with one spring he was out of bed, and crept softly behind the curtain.

但是她不見了 —— 亮光消失了;