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第51章 陀螺與球 The Top and Ball

e has a turning lathe of his own, and it is a great amusement to him.”



“can I believe it?”

asked the ball.

“如果我沒說實話,就讓我再也轉不起來吧。” 陀螺說。

“may I never be whipped again,” said the top, “if I am not telling you the truth.”

“你確實很會為自己說話。” 球說;“但我不能接受你的求婚。


“You certainly know how to speak for yourself very well,” said the ball; “but I cannot accept your proposal.

I am almost engaged to a swallow.


Every time I fly up in the air, he puts his head out of the nest, and says, ‘will you?’ and I have said, ‘Yes,’ to myself silently, and that is as good as being half engaged; but I will promise never to forget you.”

“這對我可沒什麼好處。” 陀螺說;之後它們就再也沒和對方說過話。

“much good that will be to me,” said the top; and they spoke to each other no more.


Next day the ball was taken out by the boy.


the top saw it flying high in the air, like a bird, till it would go quite out of sight.


Each time it came back, as it touched the earth, it gave a higher leap than before, either because it longed to fly upwards, or from having a Spanish cork in its body.


but the ninth time it rose in the air, it remained away, and did not return.
