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第42章 亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第一晚到第十晚

d, for in her hand the maiden bore a lighted lamp.


I could see the blood in her delicate finger tips, as she spread them for a screen before the dancing flame. She came down to the stream, and set the lamp upon the water, and let it float away. the flame flickered to and fro, and seemed ready to expire; but still the lamp burned on, and the girl’s black sparkling eyes, half veiled behind their long silken lashes, followed it with a gaze of earnest intensity.

她知道只要這燈在她視線內一直燃燒著,她的未婚夫就還活著;但如果燈突然熄滅了,他就死了。燈勇敢地燃燒著,她跪下來祈禱。在她旁邊的草叢裡躺著一條有斑點的蛇,但她沒有注意到 —— 她心裡只想著婆羅門和她的未婚夫。

She knew that if the lamp continued to burn so long as she could keep it in sight, her betrothed was still alive; but if the lamp was suddenly extinguished, he was dead. And the lamp burned bravely on, and she fell on her knees, and prayed. Near her in the grass lay a speckled snake, but she heeded it not — she thought only of bramah and of her betrothed.

‘他活著!’ 她高興地喊道,‘他活著!’ 從山間傳來回聲回應她,‘他活著!’”

‘he lives!’ she shouted joyfully, ‘he lives!’ And from the mountains the echo came back upon her, ‘he lives!’”



“昨天,” 月亮對我說,“我俯瞰著一個被房屋四面環繞的小院子。院子裡坐著一隻咯咯叫的母雞和十一隻小雞;一個漂亮的小女孩在它們周圍跑著跳著。母雞受了驚,尖叫起來,展開翅膀護住小雞們。然後女孩的父親走了出來,責罵了她;我飄然而去,不再去想這件事。

“Yesterday,” said the moon to me, “I looked down upon a small courtyard surrounded on all sides by houses. In