e felt that he had carved a good image of him.
It seemed to glow with the color of life; the armor glittered like iron and steel.
the hearts in the danish arms grew more and more red; while the lions, with gold crowns on their heads, were leaping up.
“那是世界上最漂亮的盾徽,” 老人說。
“that is the most beautiful coat of arms in the world,” said the old man.
“the lions represent strength; and the hearts, gentleness and love.”
And as he gazed on the uppermost lion, he thought of King canute, who chained great England to denmark’s throne; and he looked at the second lion, and thought of waldemar, who untied denmark and conquered the Vandals.
the third lion reminded him of margaret, who united denmark, Sweden, and Norway.
but when he gazed at the red hearts, their colors glowed more deeply, even as flames, and his memory followed each in turn.
the first led him to a dark, narrow prison, in which sat a prisoner, a beautiful woman, daughter of christian the Fourth, Eleanor Ulfeld, and the flame became a rose on her bosom, and its blossoms were