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第11章 小不點或拇指姑娘 Little Tiny or Thumbelina

first English translations of the story used the names “Little Ellie,” “Little totty,” and “Little maja.”

“拇指姑娘” 這個名字最初是由 h. w. 達爾肯使用的,他翻譯的安徒生童話於 1864 年和 1866 年在英國出版,現在這個名字被用於大多數譯本以及所有基於這個故事的電影中。

the name thumbelina was first used by h. w. dulcken, whose translations of Andersen’s tales appeared in England in 1864 and 1866, and it is now the name used in most translations and in all films based on the tale.

至少有五部電影改編作品,從 1954 年洛特?賴尼格的作品開始,包括 1970 年巴里?馬洪、1984 年雪萊?杜瓦爾、1994 年唐?布魯斯和加里?戈德曼以及 2002 年格倫?柴卡的作品。

there have been at least five cinematic adaptations, beginning with Lotte Reiniger’s in 1954 and including barry mahon’s (1970), Shelley duvall’s (1974), don bluth and Gary Goldman’s (1994), and Glenn chaika’s (2002).

弗蘭克?洛瑟為 1952 年電影《漢斯?克里斯蒂安?安徒生》創作的歌詞中有一首關於拇指姑娘的歌曲,至今仍然廣為人知:“雖然你還沒有我的拇指大……”

Frank Loesser’s lyrics for the 1952 film hans christian Andersen contain the song about thumbelina that is still well known today: “though you’re no bigger than my thumb...”



there was once a woman who wished very much to have a little child, but she could not obtain her wish.


At last she went to a fairy, and said, “I should so very much like to have a little child; can you tell me where I can find one?”

“哦,這很容易辦到。” 仙女說。

“oh, that can be easily managed,” said the fairy.
