關燈 巨大 直達底部

 shut up; you hear me? This is not

what you think。”

“Whoa; kick back; will ya? I wasn't thinking anything…。” But I could see the little gears go

click…click…click in his brain。 Then he smirks at me and

says; “I'm sure you've got a perfectly reasonable explanation for why you're carrying a picture

of Juli Baker around with you。”

The way he said it scared me。 Like he was playing with the idea of roasting me in front of the

whole class。 I leaned over and said; “Zip it; would


The teacher hammered on us to be quiet; but it didn't stop Garrett from smirking at me or

doing the double…eyebrow wiggle in the direction of my

binder。 After class Darla tried to act all cool and preoccupied; but she had her radar up and

pointed our way。 She shadowed me practically all day;

so there was no real window of opportunity to explain things to Garrett。

What was I going to tell him; anyway? That the paper was in my binder because I was trying

to hide it from my sister? That would help。

Besides; I didn't want to make up some lame lie about it。 I actually wanted to talk to Garrett。 I

mean; he was my friend; and a lot had happened in

the last couple of months that was weighing on me。 I thought that if I talked to him; maybe

he'd help get me back on track。 Help me to stop thinking

about everything。 Garrett was real reliable in that arena。

Luckily; in s