關燈 巨大 直達底部

ocial studies our class got library time to do research for our famous historical

figure report。 Darla and Juli were both in that class; but

I managed to drag Garrett into a back corner of the library without either of them noticing。

And the minute we were by ourselves; I found myself

laying into Garrett about chickens。

He shakes his head at me and says; “Dude! What are you talking about?”

“Remember when we went and looked over her fence?”

“Back in the sixth grade?”

“Yeah。 Remember how you were down on me for wondering what a hen was?”

He rolled his eyes。 “Not this again…。”

“Man; you didn't know jack…diddly…squat about chickens。 I put my life in your hands and you

dumped me in a bucket of bull。”

So I told him about my dad and the eggs and salmonella and how I'd been intercepting eggs

for nearly two years。

He just shrugged and said; “Makes sense to me。”

“Man; she caught me!”



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“Whoa; dude!”

I told him about what I'd said; and how almost right after that she was out playing weed

warrior in her front yard。

“Well; so? It's not your fault her yard's a mess。”

“But then I found out that they don't even own that house。 They're all poor because her dad's

got a retarded brother that they're; you know; paying

for。” Garrett gives me a real chumpy grin and says; “A retard? Well; that expla