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第28章 小克勞斯和大克勞斯 Little Claus and Big Claus


In consequence of this dislike, the sexton had gone to visit the farmer’s wife during her husband’s absence from home, and the good woman had placed before him the best she had in the house to eat.


when she heard the farmer ing she was frightened, and begged the sexton to hide himself in a large empty chest that stood in the room.


he did so, for he knew her husband could not endure the sight of a sexton.


the woman then quickly put away the wine, and hid all the rest of the nice things in the oven; for if her husband had seen them he would have asked what they were brought out for.

“哦,天哪。” 小克勞斯在棚屋頂上嘆了口氣,因為他看到所有的好東西都不見了。

“oh, dear,” sighed Little claus from the top of the shed, as he saw all the good things disappear.


“Is any one up there?”


asked the farmer, looking up and discovering Little claus.


“why are you lying up there? e down, and e into the house with me.”


So Little claus came down and told the farmer how he had lost his way and begged for a night’s lodging.

“好的。” 農夫說,“但我們得先吃點東西。”

“All right,” said the farmer; “but we must have something to eat first.”
