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第44章 月亮看見的 What the Moon Saw 第二十一晚到第三十二晚

e could almost fancy she distinctly saw little gnomes, with their high-crowned hats, sitting in the bushes; and further back in the long walk, tall spectres appeared to be dancing. they came nearer and nearer, and stretched out their hands towards the tree on which the doll sat; they laughed scornfully, and pointed at her with their fingers. oh, how frightened the little maid was!

“但是如果一個人沒有做錯任何事,” 她想,“沒有邪惡的東西能傷害一個人。我想知道我做錯了什麼事嗎?” 然後她思考著。

‘but if one has not done anything wrong,’ she thought, ‘nothing evil can harm one. I wonder if I have done anything wrong?’ And she considered.

“哦,是的!我嘲笑了那隻腿上綁著紅布條的可憐鴨子;她一瘸一拐地走得那麼滑稽,我忍不住笑了;但是嘲笑動物是一種罪過。” 然後她抬頭看著洋娃娃。“你也嘲笑那隻鴨子了嗎?” 她問;看起來洋娃娃搖了搖頭。”

‘oh, yes! I laughed at the poor duck with the red rag on her leg; she limped along so funnily, I could not help laughing; but it’s a sin to laugh at animals.’ And she looked up at the doll. ‘did you laugh at the duck too?’ she asked; and it seemed as if the doll shook her head.”



“我俯瞰著蒂羅爾。” 月亮說,“我的光芒使得黑暗的松樹在岩石上投下長長的影子。”

“I looked down upon tyrol,” said the moon, “and my beams caused the dark pines to throw long shadows upon the rocks.


“I looked at the pictures of St. christopher carrying the Infant Jesus that are painted there upon the walls of the houses, colossal figures reaching from the ground to the roof. St. Florian